As some of you know, I have blogged with a lot (well not a lot but a lot for me) writing prompts from Bonnie Gray. She gives a prompt for the following Thursday and we have all week long to think about it and write. We link up on Thursday and read each others to see what it touched it them. If is fun and yet at the same time... I have learned so much about myself and my Lord. You can join by clicking on the pretty image or clickin HERE
We are all very excited as she is launching a book on June 3rd!! You can find about it at the same place. This weeks prompt is connected to that and we will be talking about the book all June. She even has a giveaway! Gotta love those!
Today's Prompt ~ Share Your Whitespace Discoveries....
I love talking to God and I know he hears me. Sometimes, if I am still enough, I can hear him! It often happens when I am waking up and a lot of times when I have turned off my light to sleep. This is pretty new to me. I don't think the delight will ever wear off.
Here is where it gets a little hinky... when I go to the bathroom of all things, I rest. I have COPD and walking leaves me breathless sometimes. So I rest in my rest room before I make the treck back.
God has started talking to me in the bathroom. I did not understand why but I was pretty happy. I never planned on telling any one LOL! It did puzzle me somewhat though.
Boom it hit me! I discovered my 'other' whitespace'! God talks to me in the bathroom as it is one place where I do not have my nose in a screen! I am not on the computer and I don't have the mirrors set up so I can watch TV from there!
Since I realized that... I have cut back on computer and TV time. I had a little bit of help as I became ill for the first time in 3 years but hey... I need all the help I can get!
So that is my whitespace discovery. I discovered that I have them and what they are... and that I need more.
I really hope that you will join us... you will learn a lot and meet other women just like You!!
So sorry you deal with COPD, Patty. I have sarcoidosis, so I know how trying it can be to deal with a chronic lung disease. So glad you found whitespace! Joining you on the journey. I, too, have learned so much from Bonnie ever since God led me there at the beginning of this year. It's a safe place I can call "home." :)